QuickPay is a professional and secured alternative to replace the Mail Order/ Telephone Order (MOTO).
With QuickPay, get paid directly on your bank account by Email, SMS, QR code or WhatsApp.
With MIPS, your payments go through the 3D Secure filter to authentify the buyer as being the cardholder, thus decreasing drastically the risk of fraudulous transactions.
The Features
The user experience is seamless and fluid as there are no redirection to third party websites for payment purposes (fully integrated on your website and your apps).
Easily customize data to include in payment tickets. Unlimited possibilities, great to match your own business needs.
Customize your reports.
Easily customize your payment ticket look and feel with your logo.
The payment URL can be customized (Ex: pay.yourwebsite.com)
Easily customize the automated emails that are sent through MIPS (sender email can also be customized. Ex: booking@yourdomain.com).
Create and manage as many companies/ brands as you want on a single platform (Ex: many hotels brands in one single hotel group)
Merchant can customize each brand's data and look & feel.
Brand management is made under one and only Back Office facilitating tracking and monitoring.
QuickPay can interact with your ERP for instant payment updates *(special conditions apply).
Auto Balances
Deposit Auto Balances
Ask for deposits and collect the remaining balances automatically on scheduled dates.
Recurring / Subscription
For subscription-based models, possibility of setting up recurring payments, allowing the user's card to be debited automatically in order for the merchant to receive his money.
Be on the safe side, possibility of creating warranty.
With QuickPay for Hoteliers, avoid unpaid extras with our Extras Billing System.
Refund the buyer directly on his credit card instantly.
Multiple partial refunds.
Keep track of refunds history.
Different user rights for validators and initiators, for example an initiator can upload documents for validator(s) to validate refunds.
Easily customize data to include in payment tickets. Unlimited possibilities, great to match your own business needs.
Customize your reports
Easily customize your payment ticket look and feel with your logo.
The payment URL can be customized (Ex: pay.yourwebsite.com)
Easily customize the automated emails that are sent through MIPS (sender email can also be customized. Ex: booking@yourdomain.com).
Create and manage as many companies/ brands as you want on a single platform (Ex: many hotels brands in one single hotel group)
Merchant can customize each brand's data and look & feel.
Brand management is made under one and only Back Office facilitating tracking and monitoring
QuickPay can interact with your ERP for instant payment updates. (special conditions apply)
Deposit Auto Balances
Ask for deposits and collect the remaining balances automatically on scheduled dates.
Recurring / Subscription
For subscription-based models, possibility of setting up recurring payments, allowing the user's card to be debited automatically in order for the merchant to receive his money.
Be on the safe side, possibility of creating warranty.
With QuickPay for Hoteliers, avoid unpaid extras with our Extras Billing System.
Refund the buyer directly on his credit card instantly.
Multiple partial refunds.
Keep track of refunds history.
Different user rights for validators and initiators, for example an initiator can upload documents for validator(s) to validate refunds.